By Laurel Johnson
AmErica House - 2001
ISBN: 1588514455 - Paperback
Non-fiction / Biography

Reviewed by: Nancy Mehl for
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Full Circle - From THE GRASS DANCE

I started life infused by dreams
Of childlike wonder -
Bedazzled by the possibilities
until advancing years and their realities
set in and I began to drown in them.
Gone were the childish dreams,
along with endless hopes they carried with them.
I lost courage for awhile,
stopped seeing life as beautiful and wondrous,
forgot to look at daffodils and blue birds
and marvel at their symmetry,
lost track of what a blessed life I have.
But now my life has come full circle.
The wonder has returned
accompanied by hopes and possibilities
so great my mind can scarcely grasp them.

Laurel Johnson's story actually begins many, many years before her birth. In fact, her life began twice, once as a baby, and again, through an old, weathered Indian named John.

"Indian John" was her grandparents' hired hand. Through the years, he became their best friend. John was the kind of man who carried his grace and wisdom with incredible dignity and undeniable love. Loyalty was as real to him as a deal struck with God Himself. Who could know his commitment to his treasured friends would go beyond the grave and reach out to their grandchild in her hour of need? But that is exactly what happened.

Laurel Johnson's life was spiraling out of control. Captured by despair and madness, she saw no hope - no way out - until a man she'd never met sent a message that changed her life.

THE GRASS DANCE is truly one of the most special books I've ever read. Written beautifully, with powerful imagery, it's a wonderful story of hope and resurrection for men, women, and children alike. A book to cherish. I keep this book near me - knowing that it has been filled with a power beyond what we see and what we think we know.

I intend to always have several copies of this book on hand - to give to anyone who needs to know that they are loved, special, and never alone. Indian John has a message for us. My thanks to Laurel Johnson for delivering it for him.



Nancy Mehl is the author of Graven Images.

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