Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Warner Books 
Release Date:  September 24, 2003
ISBN: 0-446-53073-5 
Format Reviewed: ARC 
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Genre: Non-Fiction / Biography 
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Lynda E. Lukow 
Reviewer Notes:  

KISS Behind the Mask
The Official Authorized Biography
By David Leaf and Ken Sharp  

     KISS Behind the Mask: The Official Authorized Biography chronicles the band's rise from humble roots to superstardom through a compilation of interviews by and about KISS's members and the driving offstage forces. In Sections 1 and 2, Mr. Leaf relates stories from before KISS's inception to its final farewell. Gene "The Bat Lizard" Simmons' single-minded determination to create a band and do it right; Paul "The Starchild" Stanley's initial love/hate relationship with co-founder Simmons; Peter "The Catman" Criss' disastrous audition; and Ace "The Space Ace" Frehley's often reluctant artistic contributions are just part of the story. Who created the costumes and make-up? What was life on the road really like? Why did Ace and Peter leave and later return to the ranks? In Section 3, Mr. Sharp has compiled interviews about KISS's musical productions from the behind-the-scene participants as well as the members who rate their works and tell the stories behind the music and lyrics.

     If you've ever been an acolyte in KISS's Army this is a must read KISStory. Come to think of it, despite Mr. Leaf's warnings, it's an insightful work for anyone who loves to "Rock and Roll All Nite."