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Reviewed: 2004
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The Brother of Jesus
The Dramatic Story & Meaning of the First Archaeological Link to Jesus & His Family
Hershel Shanks & Ben Witherington III
Trade Paperback
Nonfiction / Church history / Religion

Carisa Weeaks

In the first edition of this book, it was stated that the inscription on a bone box was a critical find in proving the existence of not only Jesus, but of his family. The inscription said that the man whose bones are housed in the ossuary are of a man named James, “Son of Joseph, Brother of Jesus”. This was a groundbreaking in both the fields of archeology, science, history, philosophy, and theology. The Israel Antiquities Authority, however, since the publishing of the first edition have accused the inscription of being a forgery and have, in the author’s opinion, overstepped their boundaries. This edition is more in-depth than the first, touching not only on the information and struggle with trying find the facts that the first edition contained, but also diving into the middle of all the controversy centered around the bone box, the IAA and their attempts to debunk a potential biblical artifact, and the arguments that some scholars have about the scientific proof that they have gathered about the origins and age of the ossuary.

This is an incredible book crammed with tons and tons of both historical and theoretical information about the first discovery that may be a concrete step in proving that the texts of the bible are actually somewhat historical and that Jesus was a real man at the time the stories say the miracles of Jesus happened. I recommend this for anyone interested in finding out not only about the philosophical and scientific chaos that this artifact has unearthed, but the somewhat crooked attempts by other scholars and groups to try to defunct an artifact that would prove their whole belief system to be completely incorrect. I commend Shanks, Witherington, and Lemaire for their courage to come out and try to find out the real truth behind the mysterious bone box and its real history.
