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Bearing Witness
Not So Crazy in Alabama

by Carla Thompson

      With no money and down on her luck in LA, Carla decided to take her mother up on the offer to stay with her in Montgomery, Alabama. Of course, to Carla this is not the best plan but at least it was somewhere to begin after the wear and tear of LA.

      Returning to the hometown where her mother grew up sends Carla on a stroll down memory lane, from holidays spent with relatives in the hot and buggy summers. The times those relatives return the favor by visiting them in Harlem. Carla felt that the relatives looked down on her family because they lived in an apartment instead of a house, but undoubtedly she was right since her mother acted the same way and had always been determined to have her own home.

      When Carla lands a position in a college, she meets many different people, from the paranoid schizophrenic to parents trying to get a higher education, and many of her stories wrap around these people and the life they live. I read about many different people along with the things that happen to Carla on her, journey in Alabama.

      I really enjoyed reading Bearing Witness Not so Crazy in Alabama. Being from Alabama myself I found Carla's way of describing parts of Montgomery hilarious. After all my family and I just went through some of the same problems last year like getting lost in the historic part of Montgomery. In addition, the one-way streets Oh I will not even tell about our adventure with those. This is just a magnificent ride with Carla through Alabama that will have you laughing at some of the stories and just reading in open mouth disbelieve at some of them. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to read an exceptionally good book.

The Book

August Press
May 2, 2005
Nonfiction / Memoir
More at

The Reviewer

Tangela Williams
Reviewed 2005
© 2005