The New Food Lover's Tiptionary
More Than 6000 Food and Drink Tips, Secrets, Shortcuts, and Other Things Cookbooks Never Tell You
By Sharon Tyler Herbst
William Morrow - Sept 2002
ISBN: 0-06093570-7 - Trade Paperback
Nonfiction / Cooking

Reviewed by Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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Whether a kitchen shelf holds one cookbook or a dozen, "The New Food Lover's Tipionary" is the companion to cooking every chef needs. Personally speaking, I'm not a gourmet cook. I'm a wife and mother with very little time for large meals. Unless it's a holiday, I keep it simple. It's fun to try a new dish, but sometimes frustration invades the preparation because there are things I'm suppose know which aren't included in the recipe. Well, guess what, not everyone knows all those little things to help make a dish better, keep a certain food fresher, or what to substitute in a recipe. And that is why I say this book is the one every cook needs - no matter his or her skill level.

The information is easy as A to Z. Under each listing, such as Abalone is information about the subject, like "Tidbit," meaning facts about the subject. Next would be "purchasing" with advice on choosing the best. Then there are bits and pieces about storing, preparing, cooking, and serving. There are also other bits of information meant for each specific subject, such as food, utensils, types of cooking, etc.

At the beginning of each chapter and places throughout them are quotes by well-known people about food and cooking. Glancing through the bread section and reading the quote just above it by M.K.F. Fisher, an American author brought back memories of Thanksgiving and Christmas as a child when my mother would take time to bake homemade bread and rolls for the meals. The quote is:

"The smell of good bread baking, like the sound of lightly flowing water, is indescribable in its evocation of innocence and delight."

Just the quote evokes sensory ghosts of the wonderful aroma.

The 507-page book covers so much on food, cooking, and just about everything else on the subject. This is the reason I can honestly recommend the "The New Food Lover's Tipionary." It would make a wonderful gift for any cook.

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