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Publisher: Morrow Cookbooks / HarperCollins
Release Date: May 4, 2004
ISBN: 0060534850
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre:   Nonfiction / Cooking / Food
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Brenda Weeaks
Reviewer Notes:  

Chicken on the Grill
100 Surefire Ways to Grill Perfect Chicken Every Time
By Cheryl Alters Jamison, Bill Jamison

      The health craze seems to be at an all time high, but the food required to stay health conscious can get a little bland causing some to avoid the life-saving trend. Luckily the Jamisons' have come out with an excellent book on grilling chicken.

      The Jamisons' promise no more burned or raw-on-the-inside grilled chicken. Standing by their book and recipes, the Jamisons’ believe they have some surefire ways to grill the perfect chicken, and if that isn't enough they have recipes for various salads and desserts, too.

      At the start of the book, the Jamisons' offer sage advice on avoiding the most common mistakes when grilling chicken. They also share secrets concerning the grill, being prepared, and the buying and handling of chicken destined for the grill.

      The mouth-watering chicken recipes range from skewers, to the favored wings, sandwiches, skinless breast, whole chicken, chicken salads and pastas. Ever made a chicken pizza on your grill? With 5 different, easy Barbecued Chicken Pizza recipes you can't go wrong.

     The other recipe sections are Starters (guacamole, veggie platter, etc.), Sides (various kinds of salads, veggies, etc.), and Afters (dessert). In the desserts, on page 137, there is a recipe perfect for July 4th. It's Sugar-Spangled Fruit Turnovers - kind of a turnover, bit like a mini-tart. It's easy to create with any type of berry and store-bought puff pastry.

      The pictures included in the book vary from the finished recipes to subjects centered on chicken and grilling. There are 100 surefire ways to grill perfect chicken. Not all will appeal to any one person; I'm betting most will, as will the recipes. Master grillers looking to satisfy their family and friends need to take a closer look at Chicken on the Grill.