The Ultimate Sourcebook for Food Safety
By Morton Satin
Checkmark Books - 1999 
ISBN 0816039364
Nonfiction / Health / Cooking

Reviewed by: Pam Stone, MyShelf.Com
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Food Alert is a must for every kitchen. And should be placed right next to our cookbooks to remind us of the dangers of infected food.

During the last days in 1992, at the height of the Christmas season, several people on the west coast began to succumb to a lethal food-borne infection. Most of the unfortunate victims were children who had eaten hamburgers at a Jack in the Box restaurant. Toddlers who came in contact with the children who had eaten the burgers were also infected. It infected over 700 people in Washington, Idaho, California, Nevada. The really heartbreaking part of this whole mess was that several of the youngest victims died an unusually cruel and agonizing death, and a lot of those that lived have had to have repeated intestinal surgery and extended kidney dialysis, many will be infected for the rest of their lives. Food borne illnesses can happen at home also, and can be just as fatal and that is why this book is so important to have in our kitchens. More than 600 food borne diseases are known about today. Food alert provides everything that we need to know to protect our families

1)  Learn about the 20 most causes of food contamination in your kitchen.
2)  What steps you can take to lower the risk of food borne illness.
3)  The causes of food borne disease.
4)  How to avoid buying, handling, or eating contaminated food.
5)  How to tell if you might be suffering from a food borne illness.
A very informative book that will open our eyes about what we are preparing and feeding our families and ourselves.   This is an excellent book to have in our kitchens. Get informed now.
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