Don't Know Much About the Civil War
Everything You Need to Know About America's Greatest Conflict but Never Learned
by Kenneth C. Davis
Avon Books - September 7, 1999
ISBN: 0380719088 - Paperback
Nonfiction / History

Reviewed by: Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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In Kenneth Davis's introduction, he shares some significant situations found during his research that caused him to write: "And you thought the Civil War was over." He points out continuing disagreements that he feels reach all the way back to the Civil War. He also shares how Americans continue to protect the battlefields and memories of their ancestors, and how some still view the war and the south as portrayed in Gone With The Wind. Not everyone agrees.

The author takes the Civil War one chapter at a time, in the order of the passing years. At the beginning of each chapter, he presents a list of questions, then proceeds to answers them. As I read, certain questions stood out and the pages began to flip. Throughout the chapters I found some interesting headings being repeated, followed by factual information listed under them. One is "Civil War Voices," which are statements, speeches, etc., made by prominent people before, during, and after the Civil War. The other is "Milestones of the Civil War" which gives a list of dates and pivotal moments during the year each chapter covers. And then there's the "Documents of the Civil War," that brought back memories of past history classes.

Don't Know Much About the Civil War is full of information sometimes peppered with the author's opinion. He's pretty good at clearing up old war tales and sharing new facts. The thick book seems to be more for entertainment purposes than reference, but expect to spend some time sorting through it all, learning what you didn't know before and walking away with your own opinion.

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