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Publisher: Pocket Books (Simon & Schuster)
Release Date: 3 February 2003
ISBN: 0743467787
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Horror/TV Tie-In
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Rachel A Hyde
Reviewer Notes:

By Doranna Durgin 

     Tuingas demons live in their own pocket universe and have a complicated relationship with some pretty powerful magic stones, and when one of them gets transported accidentally into our universe, things start happening. Everywhere demons are feeling angry, and even the harmless ones are getting up to all sorts of mischief and this includes Angel, who is not feeling himself at all. To make matters worse, there seems to be two of him, and one of them is an impostor who must be unmasked before anything else goes wrong in Angel Investigations' name.

     This is set during the early part of the third season and the gang is all here, including Fred and Lorne, the latter delightfully in evidence in a novel for a change; maybe he will take over from Doyle as being most-missed lost character. As per usual in a novel, Gunn is on top form hitting the mean streets of LA with a gang of tough homies in tow, while Cordelia has visions, quips about the fashion sense (or lack of it) of the various characters, and Wesley just is. As Angel novels go, this one is rather linear in its plot and not enough is made of the wannabe Angel. It would be nice to find out more about what he gets out of it and Fred reels off a list of pertinent questions to this end in one scene, but obviously to the empty air. There are some good fight scenes particularly towards the end; I would give it three out of five.

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