Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Amber Quill Press, LLC
Release Date:
ISBN: 1-59279-120-4
Format Reviewed: E-book
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Genre:   Horror / Adult Theme
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Shelina Emery
Reviewer Notes:  Buy it at Amber Quill Press

By Macey Baggett Wuesthoff

   Grimshaw, a small southern town, was once faced with ruin. One night a man makes a deal with the devil, and all changes. Angel has lived there all her life with her mother and stepfather, who is a religious fanatic and beats Angel on a daily basis. Angel had always dreamed about her real father, who was killed in an accident, or so she was told. Her one true friend is forbidden to her because she is not allowed to associate with boys. Angel always finds a way to meet Peter in the woods, and they build a lasting friendship.

    As Peter and Angel’s relationship grows, they begin to discover long buried secrets about the small town: children and animals missing, only to be found later, heads gone and pentagrams carved into their chests. Peter is determined to escape with Angel, as he has loved her all his life. When Peter is captured by the cult, he realizes he could never really trust anyone. Angel loves him as well, and makes the ultimate Sacrifice.

   This book is amazing! The suspense was gripping, and the story itself was spine tingling. It was so believable, I literally got chills! Not to mention an explosive ending that will leave you gasping, wishing it was not over. I will most definitely be watching for more from this author. This book comes highly recommended.