Get More Business Right Now!
By Paul Tulenko
Gator Publishing LLC
ISBN 0-9715367-6-7
Nonfiction / How To / Business

Reviewed by David Leonhardt, MyShelf.Com
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Before opening it up, I thought this was just another book about how to pull in clients and increase profits. I assumed that author Paul Tulenko was applying classic direct mail techniques in his title to sell his book. "Right now" is a call to action, to prompt someone to buy. The exclamation mark gives the call to action a sense of importance.

I was wrong. This book is for entrepreneurs in trouble. While much of Tulenko's invaluable advice can apply to almost any entrepreneur, this book targets a very specific niche market: businesses in crisis. Most business books focus on long-term thinking, which the author acknowledges is important. This book focuses on short-term thinking for those entrepreneurs who have to do something "Right Now!" or "tomorrow morning at 7:00 A.M." if they ever want there to be a long term.

Get More Business Right Now! defines an all-out blitz, based on seven assumptions and four steps. The first step is to define a service that an entrepreneur can undertake immediately - not necessarily a service he traditionally does, but one that his client base will want.

Tulenko is a well-respected syndicated business columnist, and has been a mentor to over a thousand entrepreneurs as a small business consultant. His words are the words of experience. He covers all the fundamentals of crafting a benefit statement, setting goals, identifying target markets and partners, cold calling, where to get help, etc.

Readers will even find advice about moonlighting, in the event an entrepreneur needs income from another source. This is something very few business books will tell you, but Tulenko is a tell-it-like-it-is type of author. He also reminds us that it is not a sin to quit.

The book includes an extensive appendix on "The Essence of Marketing," but anyone serious about this subject should pick out a book on that subject alone.

What impressed me the most about Get More Business Right Now! Is the detailed advice Tulenko packs in … right down to how to save money on flyers by printing different colors on different days.

Tulenko is at his best, in this reviewer's opinion, when he gives some straight talk on advertising agencies and their propensity for displaying awards. "Remember, you want success, not prestige," he warns. Tulenko shares the very practical view of the great David Ogilvie, author of the classic "Confessions of an Advertising Man."

This is no literary work of art, so don't bother submitting it for a Pulitzer Prize. However, it is one of the most useful business books I have ever read. Get More Business Right Now! Is a good book for bad times. And there is enough useful advice for me to recommend it to any entrepreneur in any kind of times

David Leonhardt is the author of "Climb your Stairway to Heaven."

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