I Thought there was a Road There... by Lynn Assimacopoulos
...and Other Lessons in Life from God
Pine Hill Press - November 3, 2000
ISBN: 1575792060 - Paperback
Nonfiction / Inspirational

Reviewed by Jo Rogers, MyShelf.com
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In I THOUGHT THERE WAS A ROAD THERE..., Lynn Assimacopoulos shares lessons in life she learned directly from the Master Teacher, God. All of us will live happier, more secure lives, if we will but learn these things, and learn them quickly.

For example, we sometimes start out on a path when there is no road for us there. Lynn set out to learn to paint, but that wasn't her gift. There was no road for her there any more than there was a road for her son on a snow-covered playground. The difference was he knew there wasn't one there before he got the car stuck in a snowbank.

We get like that with God: we don't want to follow His master plan for our lives. We want to choose our own path, and when we do, we invariably find ourselves stuck in a snowbank, having to pay a tow truck to pull us out.

I found these twenty-two lessons uplifting. Sometimes, it was a confirmation of a lesson I had already learned. Often, it was a lesson I hadn't had occasion to learn, but will remember when I do have a similar experience. I THOUGHT THERE WAS A ROAD THERE is an inspiring look at how we can all have a closer walk with God. Enjoy!

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