JOSHUA:  The Homecoming by Joseph F. Girzone
Doubleday - Oct. 2000
ISBN: 0385495102 – Paperback

Reviewed by Bonnie Stranahan
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Joshua: The Homecoming is Joseph F. Girzone's sequel to Joshua. This is an interesting story of a man named Joshua who traveled around the world as a human in the likeness of Christ in the flesh during the first years of his life on this earth. He attempted to open people’s eyes to the truth of what God wants us to know about the end times, for us not to live in the bondage of fear -- as men would have us believe -- and that we should live separately from the rest of the world in the commune. We Christians are the salt of the earth, and no matter how bad things are, Jesus would have us be like Joshua and reassure people that they are loved and cared about by our creator, and that he has the answers to all of our needs when we look to him; He will guide us into all truths. Joshua referred to God as his father, but didn’t really say I am the Christ. He knew people’s names and their needs before they told him. Joshua knew where he was to go, where to stop and find shelter, and who would welcome him. It’s been said this is the Joshua generation. We go to the people in need on their turf  -- so to speak -- because so many haven’t found comfort or even love in the churches. They wonder around confused so they end up falling into the hands of a controlling man and then into bondage of fear instead of faith. Joshua in this story is bold as a lion but gentle as a dove. God also used him to heal people physically.

This is a revealing story of how we as Christians should walk this earth. Good Reading. 

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