Patti's Pearls
Lessons in Living Genuinely, Joyfully, Generously
By Patti LaBelle and Laura Randolph Lancaster
Warner Books
ISBN: 0-446-52794-7 - Hardcover
Non-Fiction / Inspiration / Motivation

Reviewed by: Susan Johnson, MyShelf.Com
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In the early seventies, Patti LaBelle's singing group, "The La Belles," broke up.
Patti felt her life was over; the group had been together for over ten years. They had grown from teenagers to adults during this time. On the night of her first solo performance her stage fright was overwhelming. As she was being pushed on stage her best friend Norma whispered in her ear, " You never run out of chances until you stop taking them."

Patti's Pearls is a compilation of the many wise words of wisdom she has been told over the years. Each one had meant something special to her. In the book she relates special events in her life or special lessons learned from each one.

We have all heard these sayings, perhaps even heeded some, but Patti takes these lessons one greater and makes her life more special by heeding them.

The reader can learn a wonderful lesson from Ms. LaBelle, to indeed live life genuinely and generously and joyfully. Follow her great words of advice. My favorite saying from the book would have to be---"In matters of the heart, it is always better to want something you don't have than to have something you don't want." Think about it

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