Peace, Love and Chocolate
Spiritual Humor and Other Stuff
By Benny Aabamadamabaa - July 2001
ISBN: 0595190650 - Paperback
Nonfiction / Inspirational / Humor

Reviewed by: Nancy Marie, MyShelf.Com
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Peace, Love and Chocolate: Spiritual Humor and Other Stuff by Benny Aabamadamabaa (an obvious pseudonym) is an irreverent yet hilarious look at life's more complicated questions. Have you ever wondered what real spiritual experience was like, this book will tell you. Do you want to know what spirituality really is, this book has the definition. Or it will tell you the difference between faith and good sense. Regardless of the question you seek an answer for, this book has one. Maybe not the most serious answer you'll find, but an answer none-the-less.

In Peace, Love and Chocolate, the author uses humor deftly to portray some of the most fundamental truths about spirituality in ways that are easy to understand, yet still gets the point across. Using short anecdotes he tackles questions which have boggled the minds of theologians and philosophers alike.

Readers of this book should approach it with an open mind, for no subject is too sacred to be made fun of. Those who are offended by humor which makes light of religion and religious traditions would probably not enjoy this book. However, those who believe that God has a sense of humor, and are willing not to take themselves too seriously, will certainly enjoy it.

Nancy Marie is the author of "When You Wish Upon A Star."


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