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Publisher: HumorInk
Release Date: 2003
ISBN: 0972364021
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Humor
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Nancy Mehl
Reviewer Notes:

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A Running Head Start
By Freda Gower Ward 

     Freda Gower Ward takes another humorous look at life. This time, she gets A Running Head Start!

      Freda is at her best as she explains the real reason behind problems with zippers, (a hint - it has something to do warm weather and political figures.) how to get worms to come out of the ground without traumatizing them, and the trials of using the Internet.

     So you won't think that Freda's observations are all light-hearted, there are also serious warnings that everyone should heed, such as: NEVER eat peaches and nuts together, NEVER tuck your shirt in, NEVER get too close to the paper shredder, and NEVER hide things in the dryer.

      Two of the funniest stories are "The Inside Lane" (or why hiring a cab is sometimes preferable to asking your husband to pick you up from the airport) and "The Blinding Tale of Methane Gas". One warning: don't read the second story right before lunch or dinner. 'Nuff said.

     Reading A Running Head Start will produce smiles, laughter, and that unmannerly snorting noise that is embarrassing in public. So, read this book at home; but by all means, read it!


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