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Publisher: PageFree Publishing, Inc.
Release Date:
ISBN: 158961075X
Format Reviewed: Trade Paperback
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Genre: Non-fiction/Inspirational
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Janet Elaine Smith
Reviewer Notes:  Reviewer Janet Elaine Smith is the author of 12 published novels, as well as one nonpfiction book, The Flood of the Millennium. She is also a well-known magazine writer for 11 publications as well as some ezines.

Best Friend, God
By Jack Prather

     Jack Prather shares his own personal beliefs about God, Jesus, the Bible and his faith. He has some rather unconventional views, but one cannot help but admire his take on life in the spiritual realm. He begins when he was a little boy, and he learned in Sunday School that God was his father, and Jesus was the Son of God. So, in his little mind, he concluded that Jesus must be his brother, since they had the same father.

    From that moment on, God became his best friend. It didn’t matter if it was in the midst of the war, in which he served, or a young boy, lost on a horse in the woods. God was there to help him.

      This book comes through not as a “preachy” volume, but rather one that encourages the reader to share his close friendship with God and to find comfort in that relationship.

    Highly recommended. A very fast read, as it is like a series of short stories. You will come away with a smile on your face and a warmth in your heart.