Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Water Brook Press
Release Date: 2004
ISBN: 1-57856-647-9
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre:   Inspirational / self-help
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Nancy Arant Williams
Reviewer Notes:  

Out of the Question...Into the Mystery
Getting Lost in the GodLife Relationship 
By Leonard Sweet

      In this breakthrough book, Leonard Sweet gets right to the heart of the matter when he says we Christians have reduced Christianity to a mere set of orthodox rules, and completely missed the point: that Jesus and a relationship with him are the only things that will transform us from the inside out.

     Sweet throws us a well-timed, refreshing curve ball, a truth that witnesses to the spirit of every truly seeking heart, that there are no formulas, no rules, no regulations, only knowing, loving and being consumed by Jesus and his plan for us.

     If you're like me, worn out and discouraged by the current performance-oriented preaching of our day, you'll welcome this book, and find a brand new motivation to get back to the basics of relationship.