Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: WaterBook Press
Release Date: April 20, 2004
ISBN: 1578568196
Format Reviewed: Galley
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Genre: Nonfiction / Inspirational / African American related 
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Lynda E. Lukow
Reviewer Notes:  

Things My Mama Told Me
The Wisdom That Shapes Our Lives
By Olga Samples Davis

     Between the covers of Things My Mama Told Me lay the most profound advice our generation can learn and share. The guidance is often tender, sometimes tough, but always loving. Ms. Davis addresses virtues such as, but not limited to truth, compassion, generosity, faith and integrity. Vices such as evil, pride and discrimination are handled honestly. The guidance on life events including parenting, education, marriage, death, grief and many more is excellent. Each topic is prefaced by an easy to remember adage, which is followed by a reflection that supports the wisdom.

      Mamaisms: A word coined by author Olga Sample Davis to describe the mini-sermons imparted by her mother-and loving mothers everywhere. Ms. Davis should consider having posters of the adages printed; I'd decorate my house with the inspirations. I highly recommend this book to parents who seek validation that they're on the right path or need reminders of the important lessons their children must learn. I'd also recommend Things My Mama Told Me to people who, for whatever reason, never received the guidance of a loving elder. If we all heeded-and shared-Mama's counsel, a kinder world would be within our grasp.