Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Even as Your Soul Prospers

By Thomas Weeks, III

         Have you ever hit rock bottom, stripped of all things positive? If so, rejoice! God has not forsaken you; He is drawing you closer, into His shadow. He is preparing you for prosperity! Open your heart. Accept your talents and build upon them. Operate in His purpose. Reach beyond what you know. Believe you are what God says you shall become.

    Abide in God and you can walk in the ways of His heavenly kingdom on earth. Accept God’s ordination of divine order-His timing, design, desire and destiny. Become accountable because abundance requires integrity and trustworthiness. Beware of false prophets who attempt to tear you away from God. See your abundance. Say it. Receive it.

    “When you have dominion over your soul (your mind, will and emotions) through renewing your mind to the Word, your soul is in agreement with your spirit, The Holy Spirit, and the Word of God. And that kind of unity brings the power and prosperity of God into your life.”

     In Even as Your Soul Prospers, Bishop Thomas Weeks, III quotes scriptures from the first five books of the Bible which show God truly wishes us an abundant life. The author’s style is energetic and compelling. His advice touched my heart and inspired me to look upon strife in a new, more positive light. I highly recommend this book to all who wonder about God’s purpose for their existence. You might not find the specific answer, but you will assuredly find a spiritual map that will enrich your journey.


The Book

Harrison House
October 30, 2004
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The Reviewer

Lynda E. Lukow
Reviewed 2005
© 2005