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Perfecting Your Purpose
Forty Days to a More Meaningful Life

By David D. Ireland

     Using a fresh, new approach to a current hot topic, author and Pastor Dr. David D. Ireland offers his new book, Perfecting Your Purpose, 40 Days to a More Meaningful Life.

     For those of us who are seeking a reason for living, he gives hope for finding that special God-purpose to living everyday with passion, believing that in drawing near to God and using certain tried and true, as well as clearly explained methods, we can search for and find our niche, the reason we were born, that will fulfill our deepest yearning to be useful and leave a mark for eternity, even after we're gone.

     Having never read any of Dr. Ireland's work before, I wasn't prepared for such a thoughtful, well-researched and proven journey toward self-discovery.

     Because the basis for this book is scriptural, based on a loving God's will and desire for His children, we can't go wrong in seeking His opinion on the subject.

     I found this book to be very insightful and encouraging, and having recently found my own satisfying niche, I can't help but believe Dr. Ireland's wisdom is timely and needed as we look to for the climax of the ages, and find our purpose, making our mark for Christ.

The Book

Warner Faith
May 2005
Trade paperback
Inspirational Nonfiction
More at 



The Reviewer

Nancy Arant Williams
Reviewed 2005
Reviewer Nancy Williams is the author of the inspirational romances "Coming Home to Mercy Street," "In the Company of Angels," "In The Shadow of the Cherubim."
© 2005