Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Slumber of Christianity

By Ted Dekker

     In his first foray into the wonderful world of non-fiction, best-selling suspense author Ted Dekker invites Christians to examine their belief systems via his new book, The Slumber of Christianity.

     After growing up as a missionary's kid, and then having lived in an affluent culture, replete with promises of a Christian life filled with good things, Dekker proposes that we have become satisfied, even morbidly consumed with the pursuit of our own happiness, to the point where we fail to see real scriptural truth. That true happiness is only possible when we keep our eyes focused on what is eternal rather than what is in the here and now.

     The reader gets to walk alongside Dekker as he shares his own search for happiness in all the usual places and things, only to be severely and repeatedly disillusioned. Always to begin the search again, looking for the ultimate fulfillment, Dekker finally makes a wonderful and revealing discovery, as you'll soon learn as you join him in his search for the ultimate, all-consuming passion. I promise you won't be disappointed.

The Book

Nelson Books
Trade paperback
Religion: Self-help
More at 



The Reviewer

Nancy Arant Williams
Reviewed 2005
© 2005