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Up and Running
The Inspiring True Story of a Boy's Struggle to Survive and Triumph

by Mark Patinkin

      Only at the darkest hour do you see light at the end of the tunnel.

Andrew Bateson is a typical six-year-old boy who lives for the moment and the challenges life presents him. His natural curiosity was forever getting him into trouble. Overnight, his life changed forever on July 3, 1997, when he was rushed to the emergency room with a high fever and an unknown rash.

His parents were stunned to learn the doctor's diagnosis was bacterial meningitis. The disease is a silent killer that targets the spinal cord and the fluid that surrounds the brain. It claims the lives of thousands of its victims each year. They knew they would have to be strong for Andrew for he would need their strength to get through this grave time in his life. They called upon their faith to help heal their son.

Friends and family offer their prayers and support. With each minute that passes, Andrew's condition deteriorates. A team of well-trained doctors and nurses do everything medically possible to weaken the infection. For the next three weeks Andrew fights the greatest battle he has every endured. The rash has spread all over his body and he resembles a burn victim. In addition, his kidneys have stopped functioning. With each day that goes by another setback seems to arise to challenge him further.

The stress of seeing their son struggle through this illness takes its toll on those who love him. Heartbreaking, the Doctors present his parents with more bad news. In treating the disease, the circulation has been cut off from Andrews's legs-amputation of both legs is the only way to help save his life. They are torn with the decision to allow the operation to proceed or to wait and pray that a miracle will occur. In the end, they realize with each passing day it endangers their son's life further. Reluctantly, they sign the consent forms that will allow for the procedure to occur.

After four weeks, Andrew begins to show signs of improvement. It helps to ease the burden of guilt from his parents who question if they made the right decision. As he opens his eye, they know their son is going to survive. In his eyes they see strength and determination and a soul that refuses to give up. The courage he shows in the coming days and how he learns to cope with his disability is a true source of inspiration.

Up and Running: The Inspiring True Story of a Boy's Struggle to Survive and Triumph is a book that provides a real life look at what one family is faced to endure. The author masterfully depicts each scene with a unique form of cinematic realism that allows the reader to be a part of the deep emotions that are revealed throughout the pages of this book. In all my years of reviewing, I have never had a book affect me so much. I feel I have gained so much by having this experiencing of reading this book. The emotions and tears of pain, sorrow, and loss was mixed with joy, hope, and new foundations. No book even comes close to being able to show how tragedy can be met and overcome in a positive light. I strongly encourage anyone who finds himself in a difficult situation to consider this book as a source of strength and courage. I believe serious consideration should be given to turning this true-life story into a Lifetime Movie film. Very highly recommended.

The Book

Center Street (Time Warner)
September 28, 2005
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The Reviewer

Suzie Housley
Reviewed 2005
© 2005