Another Review at MyShelf.Com

My Book of Life
A Companion Piece
Little Pieces of Heaven
Thoughts and Meditations on Our Walk with God and Our Fellow Persons

by Oluwadahunsi

      My Book of Life (A Companion Piece): Little Pieces of Heaven, a collection of three hundred fifteen thoughts and meditations, contains some profound thoughts on life and our relationship with our fellow man and God. The very first piece, "Love Is Always Good" sets the tone for the remaining sections. Three other stirring ones include "Don't glorify the flesh. It means you love dirt," "There's no greater glory you can give God than to trust Him," and "Before you do anything, the question should be how does it benefit my soul?"

My format reviewed (computer printed pages) did not have any suggestion on how to use these meditations. A short introduction by the author on how he came up with these mediations and how they can be used would be a most helpful addition. Most readers will readily see that these mediations can be used in devotionals, church services and as daily readings for inspiration.

The Book

iUniverse, Inc.
Nonfiction/religious meditations
More at

The Reviewer

Willie Elliott
Reviewed 2006
© 2006