Another Review at MyShelf.Com

This I Believe
The Personal Philosophies of Remarkable Men and Women

Edited by Jay Allison & Dan Gediman
Foreword By Studs Terkel

      Take NPR and Edward R. Morrow and throw in a mix of other inspirational people all letting you know what inspires them... and you come up with a wonder of works.

This is a wonderful compilation of stories that were written by people of all walks of life, from the mundane to the accomplished and many of the stories were put into the early radio show that Edward R. Morrow hosted. I remember some of them from years gone past, and they were fascinating then. Now they are brought up to date with this compilation of new stories to add to the collection, many of which were broadcast on NPR weekly. That bitingly witty man, Studs Terkel, wrote the forward. This I Believe takes a look at core values and dissects how we actually grow by the things we truly believe in. Colin Powell, Newt Gingrich and Bill Gates are among the newer contributors, as well as older and other notables such as Helen Keller, William O. Douglas, Albert Einstein, William F. Buckley, Jr., Leonard Bernstein and one essay by a certain John McCain that I personally found interesting. Each essay is titled, and his is titled "The Virtues of a Quiet Hero". It is very revealing, as are all the essays in the book. I am proud to be in a nation of people who have the convictions to write what they have written for this book.

If you want to see the best in people, no matter who they are or how they got to be as good as they are, look to this book, This I Believe, for the source. I have always tried to see the best in everyone I have met along my life’s journey, and this book points out that people aren’t always a shallow as they seem. Most have convictions and personal values that they try really hard to live by, even though they don’t always succeed and may not broadcast it well. A book well worth the purchase price and if you can, listen to NPR, to hear more essays written by newer people every week. The end of the book also tells how you can submit your own personal belief essay to the station. Well worth the reading journey and it will make you feel better about your own life.

The Book

Henry Hold & Co.
October 2006
More at

The Reviewer

Claudia Turner VanLydegraf
Reviewed 2006
© 2006