Jeannie, A Texas Frontier Girl (Bk 1) by Evelyn Horan
AmErica House 2001
ISBN: 1588517055 Trade Paperback
Children, Historical - Ages 8 to 14

Reviewed by Beverly J. Rowe, MyShelf.Com

Childhood in west Texas in the 1880s wasn't easy. There was hard work to be shared by the family members; tending the animals, picking cotton and other chores in the dry Texas heat. There were also many dangers to be faced daily, with rattlesnakes and wild animals in abundance along with Comanche Indians and the unpredictable violent storms that could do so much damage.

But there were a lot of good times too. Twelve year old Jeannie had her beautiful stallion, Diamond, that she had raised from a colt and trained all by herself, and Ole Blue, the loyal hound that followed her everywhere. When Diamond is stolen by the Comanches, Jeannie and her father get him back in a very exciting raid on the Indian's camp.

When Helga came from Germany to live at the neighboring farm, the two girls became best friends. Jeannie and her brother Henry, along with Helga and her friend Billy Joe, have many lively adventures as they deal with the joys and hardships of everyday life on the frontier while attending the small country school. They rely on their faith in God and their own lively ingenuity to deal with their many problems as they teach Helga to swim, and confront the unpredictable weather. Jeannie and Diamond have a hair-raising encounter with a bobcat that just leaves you breathless.

Evelyn Horan has written a lively historical novel that has a strong sense of values and the appeal of "Little House On the Prairie." This is the first book in a proposed series of four. I highly recommend this well written, exciting book. . .it will interest even reluctant readers.

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