Arthur's Perfect Christmas by Marc Brown
Little Brown & Co (Juv Trd) - October 2000
ISBN: 0316119687 - Hardcover
Ages 4-8

Reviewed by Carisa Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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Arthur's hopeful about having the "perfect" Christmas - snow, turkey, presents - what more could a kid ask for right? Well, when Arthur's dad decided to fix an "authentic" Roman meal that Mary and Joseph would've eaten, his sister D.W. attacks the tree, covering it with unicorns and trolls, and he accidentally breaks the beautiful gift he bought for his mom, Arthur immediately sees his "perfect" Christmas go down the drain…or so he thinks.

This is an adorable read. I love the illustrations showing the scenes as you read them. The message of Christmas could not have been depicted in a more fun and enjoyable story just for kids. I definitely recommend this book for any and every Christmas holiday


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