Arthur's Christmas by Marc Tolon Brown
Little Brown & Co (Juv Pap) - Reprint edition
ISBN: 0316109932 - Paperback
Ages 4-8

Reviewed by Carisa Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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Arthur wants to find the perfect gift for Christmas, but he doesn't have much time left to find it. Between his annoying self-centered sister D.W. and his friends, he's having a hard time trying to figure out what the perfect gift would be. Would a tie, cologne, or nice new boots do? No. Arthur wants to give Santa what he really wants, and what he finally comes up with is enough to make anyone fall over laughing.

This is an adorable book about a child's selfless thoughts on Christmas. His only goal is to make Santa happy. Gifts, candy, and toys aren't even close to his mind as the adorable Arthur shows the reader the real meaning of Christmas. I definitely recommend this book for any family as part of their Christmas celebration.


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