BERBER: A LAMB'S TALE by Margaret Anderson Johnson
WaterOak Publishing - 2000
ISBN: 0966317009 - Hardcover
Children's Fiction

Reviewed by Nancy Mehl, MyShelf.Com
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Berber is a little lamb, lost and alone in a terrible storm until a lovely lady rescues him. When he notices the white wool on her head - just like his white wool, he is certain that she must be his mother.

As Berber becomes a part of the Johnson family, he begins to learn what love is - the kind of love that his family has for him, and the kind of love that God has for all of His little sheep.

Berber has many adventures and makes many friends. Most of all, he touches the lives of those around him with his loving nature - and his very special smile.

BERBER: A LAMB'S TALE, is an absolutely beautiful book. It is one of the most touching and poignant children's books I've ever read. Margaret Anderson Johnson wrote this story based on the real Berber, and it is written from Berber's viewpoint. Even the final chapter, which deals with Berber's last chase after what he calls the "Wheelers," (the cars that drive by) is written with sensitivity and a ray of hope. I must confess that I cried like a baby over this book - and am writing this review with tears in my eyes.

The illustrations are delightful and the story of Berber will stay with you a long, long time. This is a book to buy for children and grandchildren alike. It is an absolute treasure. I will pack mine away for grandchildren not yet born.

Highest Recommendation!

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