Minnie Saves the Day by Melodye Benson Rosales
The Adventures of Minnie
Little, Brown and Company - 2001
ISBN: 0316756059 - Hardcover
Ages 9-12 / Historical - 1930s / Great Depression (Review 2)

Reviewed by Suzie Housley, MyShelf.com
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Hester Merriweather is delighted when her father returns home from a trip with a surprise gift from her Grandmama. Her exceptional gift is a lovely rag doll that resembles Hester. Learning of the history behind the creation of the doll only heightens the love she feels for her treasured companion. Naming the doll Minnie she is unaware of just how "special" Minnie is, nor what she capable of performing.

When Hester's mother burns her famous butter pound cake it is up to Minnie and Hester's other forgotten toys to save the day. When Hester falls asleep Minnie comes to life and makes the decision to make another duplicate cake to replace the one that was ruined. Imagine Hester's surprise and joy when she awakens to the tantalizing aromas of a fresh butter pound cake.

Children of all ages will be captivated by the magic that radiates from Melodye Benson Rosales's, MINNIE SAVES THE DAY. The beautiful illustrated graphics gives life to the charming cast of descriptive characters. Adults will also benefit by receiving an informative history lesson found in the back of the novel that depicts the hardships people faced during The Great Depression. As an added bonus, owners will receive a delicious butter pound cake recipe that will be cherished and reused for generations to come.

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