NIGHT FLIES by Terri Sanders
Illustrated by Terri Sanders - 2001
ISBN 1583383972 eBbook
Children/fiction/picture book
Ages 3 & up

Reviewed by Beverly Rowe,

This charming electronic picture book is science based with plenty of facts about the insect world, along with bright colored illustrations on every page.

David and his younger brother, Alex are playing baseball, but
Alex is distracted by a ladybug. Then Mother calls them in; it's getting late. On the way to the house, they encounter a fly, a mosquito, a June bug, a moth and a praying mantis, but Alex is looking for a "night fly." An exciting science adventure for young children that is fun to read, and fun to turn the pages by clicking on "next" or "back."

This e-book also has a complete set of black and white line drawings in a printable color book for young readers to try their hand at reproducing the artists colors or to color using their own favorite colors.

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