ONE LEAP FORWARD by Donna Jo Napoli
Angelwings No.4
Lauren Klementz-Harte, Illustrator
Aladdin - December 1999
ISBN: 0689829868 - Paperback
Ages 9-12

Reviewed by Ashley Gamblin,
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Paul desperately wants to be a ballet dancer. He goes to his sister’s recital every day and watches them practice. The only problem is that he does not have enough courage to tell anyone what he wants to do.  The little angel of courage has been sent to help Paul find the courage to speak up and tell somebody his dreams.

Whenever I started reading this book, I did not want to put it down. Everything was being expressed so clearly and it was like you could see what was going on. The black and white pictures in this book are plain, but they are very good. They help to show the story line.

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