Amelia Bedelia
By Peggy Parish
Harper Children's Audio - 2002
ISBN: 0060091282 - Unabridged Audio
Children / Fiction
Reading Ages 6 - 12

Reviewed by Carisa Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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Amelia Bedelia is a literal-minded housekeeper for Mr. And Mrs. Rogers. In this collection of stories read by Suzanne Toren we see just how literally sayings we consider "normal" can be taken. When someone says to draw the drapes, do you draw the drapes? When someone asks you to change the towels in the bathroom, do you really change them? If you can answer those questions and know what I'm talking about, you may have a little Amelia Bedelia in you, too!

This is an adorable set of stories. Amelia is a character that even grown-ups will love and relate to. Kids have a literal-mindedness that only Amelia can match; that's why I think this is the perfect book for them.

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