The Battle for St. Michaels
By Emily Arnold McCully
Harper Collins 2002
ISBN 0-06-028728-4 Hardbound
Children / Fiction
Reading Ages 4-8 (I Can Read Chapter Book)

Reviewed by Beverly J. Rowe, MyShelf.Com
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McCully has spun a story of the War of 1812 that tells about the coastal shipbuilding town of St. Michaels, Maryland and the invasion by the British Army. The story is real, but the story characters are fictional.

The townspeople know that Britain plans to take over the town, and when the townspeople see the British ships approaching, most of the citizens evacuate--but not 12- year-old Caroline Banning or her friend Robert. They are determined to stay and do what they can to help protect their town. Several ideas come up to try to trick the enemy. One man suggests that they could hang lanterns in the trees and draw the enemy's cannon fire away from the town, since the enemy will probably attack at night and would not be able to see the houses, but just the lights.

Nine-year-old Caroline Banning is the fastest runner in town, and she gets the assignment of delivering the message to the townspeople and military officers. She runs like the wind, leaving Robert to catch up with her.

The plot is action-packed, and when the British assault begins it is not Caroline's speed that will be tested, but her courage. McCully has done a wonderful job with the emotional aspects of the story. The characters are well-rounded and the illustrations help bring the story to life.

Even reluctant readers will be caught up in this easy-reader story of our country's history.

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