The Big Bag of Rocks
By Michael Rosen
Illustrated by Angelina Morgan
Esoteric Ink - May 2002
ISBN: 0-972-1044.02
Children's book or adult philosophy

Reviewed by Susan Johnson, MyShelf.Com
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I am not sure I have ever been asked to review a book that is classified as a children's book or adult philosophy. However after just a couple of pages of this delightful book I could easily see how the connection was made.

In this enchanting book the reader is treated to a story of a good man who starts out life by helping himself and others, looking the world straight in the eye. After stumbling over many rocks or problems he begins to gather these rocks and carry then with him to prevent the same rocks from tripping him up again.

As his burden grew the weight of his burdens made it harder to travel and hold his head up. This begins to make him a tired and bitter man.

The remaining story tells of his travails and how he came to solve his dilemma.
Throughout the book are wonderful black and white line drawings that aptly illustrate the story that is unfolding.

This book is a joy to read for both the young reader and thought provoking for the adult reader.

The short biography attached states that the author is the founder of a martial arts system, an author, a storyteller and a public speaker.

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