Dracula Is A Pain In the Neck
By Elizabeth Levy
Harper Collins - Revised edition 2002
ISBN: 0-06-440146-4 - Paperback
Children / Reading Ages 9 - 12

Reviewed by Beverly J. Rowe, MyShelf.Com
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Robert and Sam are going to camp Hunter Creek, but it's Robert's first trip away from home and he just can't go without his special pillow. Sam calls him a baby for wanting to take his pillow. Robert insists that it's Dracula's pillow, and takes his one-armed, one-fanged, plastic Dracula doll along to camp too.

When spooky things begin to happen at camp, Dracula gets the blame. Robert and his friend decide to hide Dracula, and they bury him in the woods; then the haunting really begins. Everyone hears the unearthly howling in the woods, and things disappear! The boys are sure that the real Dracula is at large and trying to get even for mistreating the Dracula doll, and for making fun of Dracula himself; even the counselors are getting spooked. Sam and Robert decide to investigate to see if they can catch Dracula in the act. Will he get them first?

A fast-paced story with great characters, Levy combines a serious story with just the right amount of creepy fun. It would be a great read-aloud story for your Halloween party!

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