Edward in the Jungle
By David McPhail
Little, Brown - April 2002
ISBN - 0-316-56391-9 - Hardcover
Children / Fiction
Ages 4 - 8

Reviewed by Beverly J. Rowe, MyShelf.Com
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This is a story about the wonders of being able to read, and of a small boy's imaginary adventure told with creativity and intensity of feeling. Some of Edward's favorite stories are of Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle. He even has a set of toy animals just like Tarzan's. Then one day when he is reading the latest Tarzan adventure, and playing with his animals, he suddenly realizes that there is an enormous crocodile coming toward him. Just at the instant the Crocodile lunges at Edward, he is snatched out of the way by his hero, Tarzan himself. Tarzan then swings through the trees with Edward on an exciting jungle adventure.

McPhail is the award winning author and illustrator of more than fifty children's books. His illustrations for this book are done in dark colors with bold strokes, and he manages to give wonderful expression to all the animals. Edward himself is a "bookish" looking little guy who is dwarfed by the huge elephants, giraffes and lions.

The story is an exciting adventure that will encourage children to explore the world of books.

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