The Feel Good Book
By Todd Parr
Little, Brown - 2002
ISBN: 0-316-07206-0 Hardback
Children / Fiction
Reading Ages 4 - 8

Reviewed by Beverly J. Rowe, MyShelf.Com
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Todd Parr has done it again in this wonderful guide to learning what feels good. We all know what feels good to us, but probably take a lot for granted that we should spend a moment thinking about--and appreciating. He reminds us that getting tickled feels good. Taking a nap with a giant stuffed animal feels good. Playing under a sprinkler feels good, but his sprinkler is an elephant spraying water! Some of his ideas are silly enough to give us a good laugh--like "watching your grandma and grandpa dance feels good" accompanied by a funky picture that looks like NOBODY'S grandma and grandpa. Some are sentimental feel goods, like "saying I love You in sign language," and "catching a snowflake on your tongue."

Teaching children to take a moment to appreciate life's good things is Todd Parr's passion, and his enthusiasm is definitely contagious. Todd's pictures are vibrant and simple, bright colors and silly smiles that will make you smile. What fun to read aloud with the little ones! The words are simple, and the text exciting enough to begin teaching very young children to read.


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