By Jerry Seinfeld
James Bennett (Illustrator)
Little, Brown 2002
ISBN - 0-316-13454-6
Children / Fiction
Reading Ages 4 - 8

Reviewed by Beverly J. Rowe, MyShelf.Com
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Seinfeld's got it right! Halloween means "GET CANDY!" His nostalgic trip through a childhood of Halloweens is irreverent, disrespectful and hilarious starting with the "first time you ever heard of Halloween" reaction. ( "They are giving away candy? Who is giving away candy? I gotta be a part of this!" ) He covers everything from the chintzy homeowners who give you the little white bag with the twisted top that's gotta be crummy candy, to the generous ones that give name brand candy bars.

Remember the costumes that looked like pajamas, the uncomfortable masks with the thin rubber band that kept getting shorter and shorter as the night wore on ...because it broke about every ten seconds? Remember how upset you were when your mother made you wear a COAT over your great new costume? What kids go through to get candy! Jerry's desperate quest for more candy really strikes a funny bone. What fun to read together during the Halloween season!

Bennett's illustrations really bring the juvenile Jerry to life. This special collector's edition comes complete with Jerry Seinfeld performing Halloween on the enclosed CD.

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