I'll Never Find Anything in Here
By Susan Younan Attiyah
Neighborhood Press, Inc. - 2001
ISBN:189310832-5 - Soft cover

Reviewed by: David Leonhardt, MyShelf.com
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The cover says it all. Debra Lynn Lovitt's illustration of an incredibly messy room, with a young boy throwing his hands up in despair, makes the title almost redundant.

Actually, the story is about a trip to the zoo. A trip young Georgey really wants to take with his class. A trip he can take only with a signed permission slip. A trip he can take only if he can find his permission slip in his messy, messy room.

Along the way, readers discover just how much can be lost - and found! - in a messy room. Susan Younan Attiyah spins a sweet, adorable tale that reminds me just a little too much of real life. After all, isn't "Clean your room" a mantra that parents are resigned to repeating with annoying frequency? But this story is told from a child's point of view to help him learn how important it is to keep his room clean. And maybe that will help parents escape the "Clean your room" mantra.

David Leonhardt is the author of Climb your Stairway to Heaven: the 9 habits of maximum happiness.

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