I've Got Mail
Story by Robert Messinger
Illustrations by John Salerno
Little Mai Press October 1, 2001
ISBN: 189323701X - Hardcover
Reading Ages 5 - 8

Reviewed by: Carisa Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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"I've Got Mail" is about a girl named Laura who, with the help of her dad, discovers the World Wide Web and those wonderful words: "You've Got Mail!" You get to go along with her as she learns more about the computer and all that the Internet has to offer.

This is an adorable story that shows that the Internet CAN be a safe place for kids if you take the right precautions. The illustrations are colorful and help the reader to see what's going on with Laura and her father. I definitely recommend this for kids and parents who find a commonality in learning new and amazing things.

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