Pillow Pup
By Dianne Ochiltree
Illustrated by Mireille D'Allanc'e
Margaret K. McElderry Books/Simon Schuster - March 2002
ISBN 0-68983408-X
Children / Fiction
Ages - Baby-Kindergarten

Reviewed by Beverly J. Rowe, MyShelf.Com
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This picture book is a hilarious romp though the house...a pillow fight between the pup, Maggie, and her little girl.  The lively poetry of the text is enhanced by the whimsical illustrations on every page.  The chubby puppy with a wise look on her face outruns and outwits the pillow's owner for laugh-out-loud fun.

This is a great book to read aloud with your infants to preschool age children, or for first and second graders to read to adults, with some challenging new words for them.

Ochiltree's other published books including Ten Monkey Jamboree, contain early math concepts and counting practice, but this one is just for fun, to read over and over again.

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