What Would Joey Do
By Jack Gantos
Farrar Straus & Giroux - October 2002
ISBN: 0374399867 - Hardcover
Children / Fiction
Reading level: Ages 9-12

Reviewed by Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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"I want to help everyone be nice. That's all I want to do. Just help. That's my whole thing now. I'm Mr. Helpful."

Back in his third book is Joey Pigza. The ADHD youth is trying to help everyone instead of causing chaos. He leaves that up to his divorced parents. Joey's father wants Joey's mother back, but he has a strange way of showing it. His mother thinks she wants her new boyfriend, but can't help turning to Joey's father in the aftermath of their battles. His mother plans to move in with her boyfriend and leave Joey with his granny. His granny reminds him everyday that she is dying and won't be here long. She also warns him of an impending doom, and that he needs to pull it together so he won't end up crazy, like his parents.

Olivia is back and continues to take her frustrations out on Joey. The girl has cornered the market on meanness. Being home schooled by Olivia's mother makes him and his little dog the little girl's prime targets.

Joey has it rough, but he's learning to get it together and is more insightful than others give him credit for. His granny may think he's not taking her seriously, but he is.

In a humorous scene of self-revelation in a grocery store with Olivia, Joey runs to the office to defend himself and looks in the mirror to see what he's convinced he's not, yet knows it's not his fault this time. He does know better. He is better.

Gantos' talent and wit is priceless. His characters are unique. The character of Joey is absolutely special. For parents who think the problems Joey experiences might be too much for a young mind, I beg to differ. Gantos handles each scene with discretion. There are lessons throughout and the most significant ones involve overcoming and finding humor in everything. And that's just want Joey does. The Joey Pigza series is a must for every public school library.


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