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Publisher: House of Stratus
Release Date:
ISBN: 0755104366
Format Reviewed: Large Format Hardback
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Genre: Juvenile / Contemporary Fantasy/Green Issues
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Rachel A Hyde
Reviewer Notes:

The Fantastic Flying Journey
By Gerald Durrell 

     House of Stratus' revolutionary concept of print-on-demand has also extended into juvenile fiction and here is a large format hardcover with every page full of handsome colored pencil illustrations by Graham Percy.

     The three Dollybutt children live ordinary lives until their Great Uncle Lancelot (surely modeled on the author himself) arrives in his amazing hot air balloon, Belladonna. He wants them to accompany him to look for his missing brother, Percival, and their mother finally agrees. So off they go to Africa, Australia, the North Pole and North & South America on a trail that keeps getting warmer, but they are treated to an unexpected bonus, for their Uncle has a magic powder that enables them to understand the language of the animals they meet.

     This book is just the thing for adults to share with young children and introduce them to the wonders of the animal kingdom and the all-important message that too many of these enchanting creatures are under threat. I felt that there could have been more facts about each animal, but it was attractive and engaging enough to whet many young appetites to find out more.

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