Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: HarperCollins
Release Date: October 26, 2004
ISBN: 0060011971
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre:   Children’s fiction / religion / Christmas
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Brenda Weeaks
Reviewer Notes:  

Bartholomew's Blessing  
By Stephanie S. Tolan

“The first Christmas night was filled with blessings.”

   Bartholomew is sleeping sound when a bright light wakes him. Animals are passing by his small home and music is drifting from the sky. An angel invites him to the stable to see the Prince of Peace. Bartholomew gathers up gifts along the way, but something happens and he arrives empty handed. Bartholomew gets to see the Prince of Peace and it’s something he will never forget.

    Bartholomew’s Blessing is one of those reading treasures destined to become a classic. Tolan gives young readers a tale about a small mouse made to feel as large as the other animals. It’s a wonderful story about feeling worthy and being accepted for who we are. The illustrations by Margie Moore are soft in color and pleasing to the eye.