Moses Sees a Play >
Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: 1st Books
Release Date:
ISBN: 1410736997
Format Reviewed: Trade Paperback
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Genre: Children / 9-12 Adventure
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Janet Elaine Smith
Reviewer Notes: Janet Elaine Smith is the author of 11 published novels and a non-fiction book, The Flood of the Millennium (The Real Story: The Survivors). She is also a well-known magazine writer in both print and ezines.

By Gerald Allen Wunsch

Drawings by Irene Joslin

       Two best friends, Ginger Wanamaker and Irene Fong, spend the summer with Ginger's grandparents. While their parents go to Europe. Grandpa takes the girls to meet an elderly couple, where they are shown a secret panel in their house, which was originally a part of the Civil War era Underground Railroad.

      As they begin to have some adventure of their own, along with Laird, Grandpa's wire haired fox terrier, they discover what Grandpa tries to convince them is nothing more than an old root cellar. However, late at night, they take their flashlight and go investigating. What they find is a bricked-in passageway, and soon they have reporters there to share in their excitement.

      This book is not only an adventure for the girls, but Mr. Wunsch does a fine job of weaving a history lesson into the book, both in the explorations of the girls and in the back section of the book, where he elaborates on some of the main topics of the book.

    A very enjoyable read, and I highly recommend it for children.