Another Review at MyShelf.Com


Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd
Release Date: May 2004
ISBN: 0738703907
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Jan Fields
Reviewer Notes:  

Hand of Fate
Fortune Tellers Club, No. 2
By Dotti Enderle

Hand of Fate is the newest release of The Fortunetellers Club. I have to admit, it featured my least favorite character -- Anne Donovan. Not that Anne’s not cool, she’s going to cheerleading camp and I’m sure lots of girls relate well to that, but I like my character’s a bit wacky. The mystery itself delivers, though, with all the tension and excitement of the previous books. As a summer read, this book is fast and exciting. Plus, what could be more enticing than the search for an answer when something bad (in this case a car accident) happens. By giving the characters the means to move that search to the paranormal, I believe this book pulls on something inside us that wants to believe there are answers for everything if we just had the tools to find them.