Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux
Release Date: 0-374-30860-8
Format Reviewed:
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Genre: Children / Nursery Rhymes [Ages 2 and Up]
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Carisa Weeaks
Reviewer Notes:  

Hector Protector 
By Tracey Campbell Pearson

     Hector Protector is a nursery rhyme that's been around a long time. It's been memorized by countless little kids, until they are so busy growing up that it drifts away. Pearson, though, has brought a whole new light to this classic well as a whole new story. With brilliant illustrations and easy-to-understand one-liners on each thick page, Pearson gives a completely different look to the old nursery rhyme.

     It's an adorable book and the illustrations are soft, but colorful enough for any toddler to enjoy, while trying to memorize the words the same way his parents did, laughing at the same time.