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Publisher: Tanglewood Press
Release Date:
ISBN: 0-9749303-1-8
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre:   Children’s Mystery / Adventure [Ages 9 -12]
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Sarah Lomas
Reviewer Notes:  

Mystery at Blackbeard’s Cove
By Audrey Penn

     If Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean gave you a taste of piracy that you’d like to further explore, look no further than Audrey Penn’s Mystery at Blackbeard’s Cove. Set in North Carolina’s Ocracoke Island, Penn delivers the story of the old widow and only surviving descendent of Blackbeard, Mrs. Theodora McNemmish. Mrs. McNemmish loves telling everyone stories of pirates and treasure. She’s especially fond of four children named Billy (14), Daniel (13), Stephanie (13), and Mark (11).

    One day, Mrs. McNemmish commissions the children to bury her at sea, when she dies, so she can become a ghost pirate on Blackbeard’s ship, “Queen Anne’s Revenge”. She promises a reward of pirate’s treasure if her wishes are carried out. The adventure starts from there and doesn’t end until the last page.

     Mystery at Blackbeard’s Cove took 20 years to complete and it shows. This book is absolutely packed with information about pirates as well as Ocracoke Island. A glossary is provided in the back to assist with proper translation of colloquialisms.

     Descriptions are excellent and put the reader right on the island with the children. The only drawback of the book is that there are many minor characters, who may be difficult for readers to keep track of. However, the overall appeal of this wonderful adventure book will probably surpass any confusion about minor characters. Main characters are well developed and have engaging personalities that you won’t be able to leave until you’ve read the last page. Definitely curl up with this book if you crave a great adventure.