Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: HarperCollins
Release Date: April 13, 2004
ISBN: 0066238064
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre: Children (ages 4-7)
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Brenda Weeaks
Reviewer Notes:  

Roger the Jolly Pirate
By Brett Helquist

     Brett Helquist, the illustrator of the Lemony Snicket series, brings young readers a fantastical pirate tale. It’s easy to read and the illustrations are just as entertaining as the tale.

      Roger isn’t a very good pirate. He tends to confuse the windward from the leeward and such. He smiles too much, and his fellow pirates like to frown and growl. His shipmates nickname him the “Jolly Roger.” The Admiral sails in to capture the pirates, and Roger is put in the hold as usual, but something terrible happens. Let’s hope Roger survives to tell the tale!

     Roger, The Jolly Pirate is fun. The illustrations are hilariously expressive. They can tell the story by themselves. Kids can read it alone or have mom or dad read it aloud. Either way, everyone will be singing like pirates by the end of the book.